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Partner Song: She'll Be Headin' to a Hoedown

Hey WES Musicians! We made it to another Friday! To end our week, let's sing a song together--a partner song! A partner song is actually a pair of songs sung by 2 people (partners) or 2 groups of people. Partner A goes first, singing one song, then Partner B takes a turn singing a different song. THEN, they sing their songs at the same time! In this video/recording, I had to be my own partner, which isn't nearly as fun as singing with all of you...

1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders already know these tunes and probably even remember the dance that goes with it. Teach it to your families if you do! 4th and 5th graders, I think you'll catch on to these melodies pretty quick.

Have a great weekend, y'all! Yeehaw!

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