Unfortunately, saying our goodbyes for the year is only possible via Zoom. Please, join your music teachers and your classmates in a grade level Zoom meeting on Thursday or Friday, so we can get together and hang out one last time. Times for each grade are listed below, along with the link and password, if needed. There are two times listed for each grade, so choose the one that works best for you.
Music Class Zoom Meeting - THURSDAY
1st Grade – 10:00-10:20
2nd Grade – 10:30-11:00
3rd Grade – 11:00-11:20
4th Grade – 1:30-1:50
5th Grade – 2:00-2:20
Music Class Zoom Meeting - FRIDAY
1st Grade – 1:30-1:50
2nd Grade – 2:00-2:20
3rd Grade – 2:30-2:50
4th Grade – 10:00-10:20
5th Grade – 10:30-10:50
Music Class Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 933 908 4362
Password: Huskies