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Band Instrument Demonstration - 4th & 5th Grade

As 4th graders consider joining band in 5th grade, and 5th graders consider starting/continuing band in 6th grade, we'd like you to watch this instrument demonstration video to see what your options (and more) are! Not all students join band, and that's okay, but with the amount of talented young musicians we have at WES, we hope a lot of you join!

Wahpeton students may begin playing on the following band instruments: flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, or percussion. Watch the instrument demo video below and think about what instrument you might like to play next year!

Band is optional, but we continually hope for a large number in the group, as it helps to grow the middle school and high school bands. Each 5th grader is given one 15-minute lesson each week, and the whole band meets to rehearse each week as well! Please, be aware that practice at home is required in order for students to improve on their instrument! Band is a commitment, and is very much like a team sport: the group improves if everyone puts forth their best effort!

It is much preferred that, if able, students' families rent or purchase their own instrument. This can be done through our area music stores (Eckroth Music-Fargo, Schmitt Music-Fargo, or Popplers Music-Grand Forks). We hope to reach out to all 4th grade families with information from Eckroth Music in a few weeks. They have a great rental program, and a representative from the store visits the school each week to deliver or pick up instruments as needed. If a family is unable to get an instrument of their own and your student really wants to be in band, please reach out! Your music teachers sometimes have leads on where to find a working instrument at a lower price. Be on the lookout for an email from Mrs. Braunagel or Ms. Arnold with this information when it becomes available to us!

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