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5th Grade - Civil War Songs

Songs of the Civil War Era

The Civil War is considered by some to be a musical war. Prior to the war, music was being studied in singing schools and musical institutes in many places in the United States. Band concerts were common, and pianos had become more affordable and were in many homes. Music publishing was also becoming a profitable industry. Because of this, when soldiers went off to war, they took music with them in their hearts and minds.

Music was not only important for entertainment and enjoyment, but also to lift the spirits of those at war and those at home. Music was a way to express grief, happiness, hope, camaraderie, and unity. Civil War researcher and author Kenneth Bernard writes in his book, Lincoln and the Music of the Civil War (Caxton Printers, 1966), "...during the first year alone, an estimated two thousand compositions were produced, and by the end of the war more music had been created, played, and sung than during all our other wars combined. More of the music of the era has endured than from any other period in our history." General Robert E. Lee once commented, “I don’t believe we can have an army without music.”

The North and South had different songs that were popular, and those in slavery had songs of their own that gave them hope. These are just a few:




  • Follow the Drinking Gourd – The “drinking gourd” was the Big Dipper, which led escaped slaves north to the Underground Railroad.

Soldiers sang love songs like “Aura Lee,” which became popular again in the 20th century as “Love Me Tender,” and “The Yellow Rose of Texas." They grieved to songs like “The Vacant Chair.” They rejoiced to “Marching Through Georgia.” Soldiers marched to “Goober Peas.” They buried their dead to “Taps,” which is still played at military veterans’ funerals. When the war was finally over, soldiers returned home to “When Johnny Comes Marching Home.”

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